United States Coast Guard Auxiliary - U.S. Department of Homeland Security

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Obtain Member Zone Password

Do You Really Need a (new) Password?

Most Auxiliarists already have the password they need! It's the one called for years the "eDirectory password" and it is your universal password into the "Member Zone" for all Auxiliary systems, including:

If you never requested a Member Zone password before, you can do it right now. Or, if you forgot your password, use this procedure to get a new one. Immediately.

I Need a Member Zone Password - Now!

Have the following information ready, and click the "Sign up for Password" link below:

You must have immediate access to your primary email account to receive a validation letter to which you must respond within 15 minutes. If you don't receive the validation email immediately, ask a shipmate who already has access to AuxDirectory/AuxOfficer to check your email address for you. If it is wrong in AuxOfficer, then it is wrong in AuxData, and both must be correct to issue you a Member Zone password.

Remember: this will be your new universal Member Zone password for Auxiliary national – and most local – applications.